Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Colorism, inspired by Stuff Mom Never Told You

I listen to this podcast every week and it's really opened me to inter-sectional feminism.  The podcast is hosted by two white women, who make a point to address their privilege and to also discuss the struggles of women and men of color from a respectful position.  Cristen and Caroline also are sure to address cis-gendered issues while still acknowledging their privileges.

This episode was really interesting because it discussed how darker skinned black girls in school are more likely to be suspended than lighter skinned black girls.  Whenever people tell me that black people have the same opportunities as whites in America, it's so incredibly frustrating.  The imbalance of the justice system and how black men are more likely to be incarcerated, and how darker skinned black men are more likely to receive the death penalty.  I just ordered "The New Jim Crow" to read once the semester is over.

This podcast makes a very important point, that the solution to colorism ISN'T telling darker skinned black women that they are beautiful or sexy or desirable. That's incredibly insulting, racist and demeaning.  The answer to the problem of colorism shouldn't be to tell a woman she is valued as a sexual being.

The podcast also discussed colorism around the world and discussed India at length.  I have seen several short news stories on how skin bleaching in Brazil and other South American countries have led to women being hospitalized.  Lighter skin is valued around the world, and it leads to increased violence against darker skinned people. Emma Watson has come out in the past couple years as a feminist, and as someone who has launched the #heforshe campaign.  She is often accused of being a "white feminist" and she has been criticized for a skin whitening cream she promoted several years ago.

In the notes of this podcast, they reference an article about how there is a movement in Pakistan to combat colorism and encourage self-acceptance among darker skinned girls.  The article and the podcast both made sure to discuss how colorism is not just about women, but that this is a men's issue too.

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